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Hundred Mile Brewing Co.

Yes, it's happening! My last blog post was late 2017 when I was finishing my brewing internship at Fate Brewing Co in Scottsdale, AZ. I had a passion for craft beer and a big dream to open my own brewery. Who knew back in 2015, 18 year old high school student, Chanel Haifley, would encourage me to start a blog to document my journey. I cringed at the thought of writer's block and gave her every excuse of why not to. She set it up and encouraged me to post regularly.

Now, fast forward 7 years, (albeit, a huge lapse in updating the blog) what has happened is my road to brewington has lead me to Tempe, Arizona where I found the perfect building adjacent to ASU and Tempe Town Lake and I am now a few months away from opening Hundred Mile Brewing Co! Yes, dreams do come true!

Thank you, Chanel for pushing me to create this journal. I cherish it and it is a reminder of the fact that when you put your mind and passion into a dream, they can come true!

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